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Presence of Gaia

Ashes Samauma [25ml]

Ashes Samauma [25ml]

Regular price $48.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $48.00 AUD
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Samauma Ashes: Key for Spiritual Connection and Protection

The Samauma, also known as the "Mother of all trees" and the "Queen of the Forest," is highly regarded in indigenous cultures for its spiritual significance. Revered as a protector of the forest and believed to house spirits, its ashes are an essential ingredient in Hapé blends, enhancing spiritual connection and protection. When combined with Tabaco, the ashes increase the potency and absorption of the mixture. The Samauma ashes are finely processed to a high standard, creating a smooth powder. Known for its grounding and protective qualities, Samauma is also called the "Tree of Life" and "Ladder of Heaven," symbolizing a link between Heaven and Earth.

Ashes in Hapé Blends

These refined ashes not only help to ground the user but also enhance the potency and absorption of Hapé when combined with Tabaco powders. The union of ashes and Tabaco creates a balanced synergy, intensifying the Hapé's effects, making it particularly beneficial for meditation, spiritual practices, and emotional healing. This adaptable ingredient mixes seamlessly with different types of Tabaco, resulting in a potent and harmonious blend

Crafting Your Own Hapé with Tabaco and Ashes

If you're interested in creating your own Hapé blend, the basic ingredients are Tabaco and ashes, which can be mixed with other aromatic or medicinal components of your choice. For more information on the process of crafting your own blend, please contact us via email.

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